Political T-Shirts Took The World By Storm

Political T-Shirts Took The World By Storm

Political T-Shirts Took The World By Storm

Political t-shirts have made their appearances on many occasions like civil rights movements, strikes, environmental protests, causes we believe in, and even riots. Wearing political t-shirts shows supports for our favorite issues. It is not uncommon to see people wearing a shirt that reads “Black Lives Matter” or “I Stand with Standing Rock,” for example.

Why is it important to have a voice?

The truth is that the world is full of various opinions. Today, social media sites like Facebook and Instagram give us the opportunity to speak our minds out. As Alexander Hamilton once said: “Fearless people fall for anything.” Having a voice is a way of connecting, and that’s why like-minded people come together: football fans, Admirers of the gun team, knitting enthusiasts, everything! Having the same interests will give us feel that we belong. We connect, we are understood, and then our social environment is relaxed.

Fortunately, we can easily connect and express ourselves in many ways: through words and phrases, works of art, photographs, music, dance, and so on. One more preferred approach to express oneself is by fashion. This is where printed T-shirts with slogans or political t-shirts come in. This fashion sense had been around for a long period and they are getting ever more popular. Have you ever thought about where did the first printed shirt originate from?

Let’s go back in history

The political design for Thomas Dewey’s t-shirt read “Dew it with Dewey”. The slogan gained considerable recognition. Dewey lost to Truman but had another victory that year. His campaign t-shirts have become known as one of the few oldest printed t-shirts in history.

Political t-shirts and music

You’ve seen people wearing Ramones or other band t-shirts, and you probably own one too. Some people wear their favorite band t-shirts simply because they love their music, yet at times it can be much more than just a mere expression of their love for music. It’s about fashion and attitude expressing their taste in music but it is about fashion and attitude.

In the ’70s, in Britain, there was a little movement named punk. The people behind the punk band, Sex Pistols launched a clothing store which they named SEX. A very bold word. Imagine how it was in 1977. The power of punk rock has become very popular. It gave the world a taste of rebellion in a punk concept fashion. One good example of this rebellion t-shirt is the infamous God save the Queen T-shirt. It was a mixture of rebellion and style (during those days).

Political t-shirts and activism

In 1983, the “Choose Life” t-shirt was launched by the famous designer Katherine Hambett which she said means the central doctrine of Buddhism. The fashion designer thought the slogan on the t-shirt could somehow change the world. But today, the slogan has many explanations in a positive approach. The t-shirt slogan becomes a tool to motivate people to fight war and destruction. The shirt had been worn by many famous artists such as George Michael and other artists in events that promote world peace.

The history of political t-shirts goes back a long way. Today, political t-shirts had been used by many to voice out their opinions in a more subtle way, choosing peace rather than violence. So if you have a political opinion of your own but you want to spread it in a more subtle way, print it on a t-shirt.
