More than ten years ago, people consider a lot of footwear options such as the classic wedge, sandals, closed shoes, and even the best logger boots. In that time, people will just wear what they want to wear. On the other hand, in the present times, sneakers are ruling the footwear industry. You have been probably seeing a lot of people wearing sneakers right? and even you are effected with the booming of sneakers.
Sneakers is considered to be one of the most popular footwear in both men and women. Because of sneakers, the footwear industry is earning billions of dollars. Based on one study, 26% of sneakers sale in the United States come from various retailers. Sneakers that can be used in sports are the most popular type of sneakers.
The New Markets
Although the well established brands such as Adidas and converse make up the shoe industry, various new market brands are not having second thoughts of backing away from earning plenty of money in the footwear industry. In the next couple of years, there will be plenty of brands and shoes outlet that will emerge because high end sneakers are about to release in the market very soon.
The Competition in the Footwear Industry
With the internet being accessible to millions of users and consumers, the competition of footwear brands and store are becoming more and more competitive each day. Most people prefer the direct to consumer transaction because it is cheaper. Brands that offer this are Adidas and Nike. Moreover, influencers are also doing a great job of promoting a shoes brand.
Collaboration is very common in the retail industry but it is not always effective especially if the competition involves celebrities, vloggers, and other influencers. Basically, each brand think of unique ways to reach out to their market.
Some examples of collaborations include the brand Adidas working with AriZona, and this cause an almost riot in the city of New York. Another example is the store Greats which teamed up with the Billions show. This is considered an amazing collaboration of content, design, technology, and commerce.