One benefit of being a politician is that you can make really a huge chunk of money from what you are doing. If you are able to get into government, you will be able to make above a hundred thousand per year. Even if you don’t get to this phase, you can still make a lot of money as a primary or in other areas. As you can see, you can make a lot of cash as a politician than in other jobs or remote jobs near me.
In a lot of countries, you will also have great good job security as someone working in the government. In fact, you will fancy a nice safe working environment and as long as you follow the law and do something very shallow, you will be able to stay a government official for several years or even decades.
Please note that this doesn’t mean that you will work in a similar position. Yet, if you make it up to a particular point, you will have several various career choices in politics and will almost have the independence of choice about where you want to work.
Another advantage of having a work in the politician is that you will also enjoy notable good pensions. In several countries, politicians enjoy tax benefits and other bonuses once they retire. Several of them are also able to retire really quick and still receive more money in comparison to a lot of people who have fought for their whole lives.
Thank you to your high job security, it will not actually mean whether your decisions are good or bad as long as you don’t violate the law. Even if results are pretty bad, you will still be able to be a politician because it is just pretty difficult to fire you instantly.
You will also have an advantage over a lot of other people in regard to social status. Because politicians usually speak in public, you will be appreciated by several people. In turn, your social image will be quite precious and this will also help you in the dating market.